


Niṣāb (نِصاب) is the minimum amount a Muslim must have before he is required to give zakat. Zakat is determined by the amount of wealth acquired - the greater the wealth, the greater the value of zakat will be. Unlike income tax in secular states, niṣāb is not subject to special exemptions.

Cały majątek powyżej wartości nisab podlega obowiązkowi zapłaty zakatu pod warunkiem, że posiada się go przez cały rok księżycowy. Jeżeli Twój majątek nie przekracza kwoty nisab, to oznacza to, iż w danym roku nie masz obowiązku zapłaty rocznego zakatu.

Nisab is 3 ounces of gold (87.48 grams) or its cash equivalent, or 21 ounces of silver (612.36 grams) or its cash equivalent.



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Nisab calculated using the silver standard is much lower than its gold equivalent. This is due to the fact that the value of silver has fallen sharply since the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

There are arguments for using both nisab values. Many scholars argue that it is better to use the silver nisab standard, as it will increase the amount of charity distributed; others argue that the gold nisab standard is closer to the nisab used during the time of the Blessed Prophet (peace be upon him).

However, if your assets consist entirely of gold, you must use the gold nisab standard, and similarly, if they consist entirely of silver, you must use the silver nisab standard.

Jeśli jesteś w posiadaniu majątku powyżej progu nisab na początku i na końcu roku zakatowego, zakat będzie płatny, nawet jeśli twój majątek spadł poniżej nisab przez większą część roku.

If a person has assets that exceed the nisab threshold, but needs to pay rent, buy food, clothing, etc. for himself and his dependents, then these costs can be deducted from his assets.


If, after deducting these costs, the remaining amount is less than nisab at the end of the zakat year, then there is no obligation to pay zakat.

The zakat year begins on the day you first came into possession of property above nisab.

This will be your starting date, whenever it comes, you will have to calculate zakat, regardless of any fluctuations in the amount of property you own.

The only situation in which the start date will change is if you become completely bankrupt and lose all your assets. In this situation, the new start date will begin when you are again in possession of assets in excess of nisab.

If you are unsure of your start date, estimate it as best you can.


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